Blog News Software

Alexa in the bath room

Kohler has put Alexa in the bath room.

It looks really nice and you can enhance your bath room experience.

Alexa in the bath room

But be aware that you have enough budget reserved for all the gimmicks 😉


Is that better than having a robot?

Blog News Software

Robot butler dreams

Robot butler dreams may become more true soon. Maybe it will take still a few robot generations to become a real helpful alternative or better a supporting device for home work.

robot butler dreams

Providing support for health care is also an option, of course.


Fotos Instagram Software

Imgur picture sharing

Maybe you have noticed that I started with the imgur picture sharing service now, uploading new pictures to that site.


The main reason is that the flickr service will no longer be for free if you have more than 2000 pictures.

And it is also quite different compared to instagram.

The last post is actually about an Isar walk in Munich.

Isar Wanderung in München


Frankfurter Skyline

Ein paar Bilder von der Frankfurter Skyline.

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Blog Fotos

Christmas garden Wilhelma

Hier ein paar Bilder von den tollen Lichtinstallationen beim Christmas Garden Wilhelma in Stuttgart.

In London und Berlin soll es ähnliche Installationen geben.

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