The secrets of spider venom, nicely described by Michel Dugon how it can help us as a human race.
Don’t be scared!
The secrets of spider venom, nicely described by Michel Dugon how it can help us as a human race.
Don’t be scared!
Tuskless elephants are now a result of hunting them down.
This is how evolution works. In just a few generations they adapted to the changes in the environment.
Tuskless elephants
Wow, that would be really fast, if the waymo self driving car service would become available already in 2018!
Hopefully it will spread world wide soon. I would definitely opt in to that soon!
Waymo may launch its self-driving car service in early December
Ein paar nebelige Bilder vom Federseesteg bei Bad Buchau.
In dem Artikel werden die Kosten des Krieges gegen den Terror aufgelistet.
Kosten im Sinne von Toten Menschen.
Der amerikanische Krieg gegen den Terror hat mindestens 500.000 Tote gekostet