

Emily is a tough, remote-controlled robotic lifeguard http://www.engadget.com/2016/05/19/emily-robotic-lifeguard/

Blog Software

Server crash

Not the sudo RaspberryPi, also knows as the CuBox, nor the Linux/Raspbian is making the most problems of my server, but very often it’s the hardware.

This time it was the hard disk. A Toshiba one, working since almost 3 years now, quite ok, only troubled by the other hardware problem I faced so far with the server, the USB hub.

Now the server was down. Normally this was not a big deal so far, just make a

fsck -y /dev/sda1

and everything was OK after some reboots.

This time it was different. The file system check could not recover, although the disk was still readable. So I bought a new one, formatted it, copied the data from the old disk preserving the file attributes/permissions.

mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sdc1
mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt
cp -pr /media /mnt

Finally it turned out that finding the bad blocks of the old hard disk helped to recover that as well:

fsck -y -c /dev/sda1

Then I made a snapshot of the new system with

tar -zcvpf /mnt/backups/fullbackup.tar.gz --directory=/ --exclude=mnt .

Let’s see how long it lasts now…

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Das ist ein erster, super Schritt in die richtige Richtung!

Source: Tesla gives owners free trial of its self-driving future


Religion von Flüchtlingen

Neulich auf der Gemeinde.
Es sind ein paar Flüchtlinge angekommen, vielleicht mit einem Bus, und wollen sich an ihrem neuen Wohnort anmelden. Eine Betreuerin hat für Sie ein Formular ausgefüllt.
„Jetzt habe ich römisch-katholisch angekreuzt, aber die haben ja gar keine Religion, die sind ja gar nicht getauft! „