
Installing RPis with MQTT in Home Assistant

To add RPis to the Home Assistant, we are installing on each RPi a Python script as a daemon that sends data via MQTT messages to the MQTT Broker installed on the Home Assistant.

Unfortunately, if your Home Assistant is also running on an RPi but based on HAOSS, you can not use that approach. Later more to that.

First, install the MQTT Integration on the Home Assistant.

Adding RPis to the Home Assistant

Just make sure that the automatic detection of MQTT devices is still enabled.

Then go to System / Add-Ons / Mosquitto Broker. Make sure it’s started while booting.

Under Configuration, add a username and a password. The YAML Code looks like this:

  - username: username
    password: password
require_certificate: false
certfile: fullchain.pem
keyfile: privkey.pem
  active: false
  folder: mosquitto

Now, let’s go to the RPi that we want to control. We need to install the script there. This includes the daemon that sends the MQTT messages to the Home Assistant.

Perform all the steps mentioned in https://github.com/ironsheep/RPi-Reporter-MQTT2HA-Daemon/blob/master/README.md

In the config.ini file, configure at least the following parameters:

hostname = 192.xx.yyy.zz
sensor_name = rpi-5
username = MQTT-UserName
password = MQTT-Password

Ironsheep did a great job. Thank you very much!

As soon as everything is set up and you see the data in your Home Assistant, you can also use the custom card that ironsheep compiled.


Further options can be configured based on https://thesmarthomejourney.com/2021/11/15/monitoring-raspberry-pi-with-ha/

Also very nice are the mini graph cards, checkout https://github.com/kalkih/mini-graph-card

If you have your Home Assistant running on an RPi you can setup Monitoring via that approach https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcmxI06TAuI&t=1696s

Von Gerhard Vogt

Born in Munich, but living more then 10 years now in the lovely Stuttgart area.
Grown up in a technical environment, moved then into the project and people management.
I'm interested in plenty of outdoor sports like sailing, biking, skiing, hiking, but also ball sports like tennis and badminton.
Travelling the world, and making photos is another hobby.
Never get bored! :-)

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