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Baidu’s computer for self-driving cars is ready

Here we go, Baidu’s computer for self-driving cars is ready to go.

How long do we have to wait till we can use it and just relax in the car while being driven by a non-human driver?

And where’s an US company, by the way, that always wants to be first?

I have a lot of respect for Tesla, but we see that some Chinese companies are very close. Europeans are far behind.

Baidu's computer for self-driving cars
Tata or Baidu?


Von Gerhard Vogt

Born in Munich, but living more then 10 years now in the lovely Stuttgart area.
Grown up in a technical environment, moved then into the project and people management.
I'm interested in plenty of outdoor sports like sailing, biking, skiing, hiking, but also ball sports like tennis and badminton.
Travelling the world, and making photos is another hobby.
Never get bored! :-)

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