Blog Software

Notepad++ is banned in China after ‘Stand With Hong Kong’ update

What a cracy world we are living in. The very popular software Notepad++ is banned in China. Let’s see how long that ban will be active. On the other hand I guess that there will be other similar software solutions available for China.

Notepad++ is banned in China
Photo by Lum3n on Pexels.com

More and more countries are banning software.
And looking at the tiktok battle that is going on between the US and China, it’s getting more and more obvious that this is a fight for power.

I’m betting that the US is loosing that conflict in the long term. They cannot just block hardware like Huawei and software like tiktok. It’s getting clear that the US is getting behind and is no longer „first“ in these technologies.

But instead of putting plenty of money in the development of such technologies to stay competible, they are putting their money in the development of weapons.

Like the technical evolution turned from a hardware focus to a software focus, there will also be a shift from the physical weapon power to the power of economics.

And China is already ahead in the area of economics. Just look at the Neue Seidenstrasse and how much property they already own in Africa and in the USA, for example.


Blog News

German way of refugee integration into the society

A nice article by the Guardian of the German way of refugee integration into the society.

It definitely worked not perfect, but given the circumstances it worked and still works quite well.

German way of refugee integration
„Wir schaffen das“

It’s also interesting to see how our situation is seen from outside world.



Amazon flex delivery jobs generate phone trees

A new class of trees have evolved, Phone trees! 😉
Looking for Amazon flex delivery jobs people are hanging there phones in the trees.

Amazon flex delivery jobs
Tree without phones

What a crazy world we are living in. On the other hand it’s similar as guys hanging around and waiting for day jobs. We are just using another technology now.


Blog Bücher

Virus of the mind, memetic science

I was reading the great book „Virus of the mind“ by Richard Brodie. Richard is famously know as the original author of Microsoft Word.

The first chapters were not so intersting for me as I already read some books from Richard Dawkins. Richard Dawkins is the inventor of the word „meme“, that now results in the science of memetics.

Although we are still talking about Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, most of the people are in the mean time accepting that as a theory that could not be falsified so far (see Karl Popper about falsification). In other words, it is accepted to be True.

And the same evolution and replications that are (still) happening on (hardware) DNA level are happening on the (software) mind level.

Virus of the mind

Very intersting is also the theory of how societies and religions evolve. These are based on a bunch of memes. And this evolution will also go on for ever. Of course much faster as on DNA level.

But from the structure you really can view genes and memes quite similar. Both are having replicators and hosts, and don’t care at all about an individual. The only thing that counts is that the genes and memes are surviving and therefor must replicate.

We are all infected by some virus of the mind. But as soon as we know that, we can detect if the viruses we are infected with, are matching with our real goal of life.


Hawai is arresting passengers without „smart“ phones

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and related tracking measure, Hawai is arresting passengers without a smart phone.

Hawai is arresting passengers
Digital ID

And very soon you have to have a digital id.

Otherwise you are not allowed to enter the country because you cannot be tracked so easily.
