
Government is a technology, so fix it like one

This is a nice approach thinking of a government as a technology. And I think Eliot is right. Specifically as you always have to enhance and adapt the environment you are living in.

And it does not matter if it’s a relationship or a company or a state. There is always a status quo, and if you stand still you will loose at some point in time.

Government is a technology
Empires fight

It’s like that every item, lifely or not, has a life time. And as every (human) life and also the universe has an end, however it looks like, also states and empires have an end.

Nevertheless it’s still worth to fix them as long as it still makes sense. This means as the maintenance costs are not higher as building them from scratch again. Sometimes this process of building something from scratch again is replaced by a (lost) war.

When I’m looking at the US system I’m really shocked which huge power just one role has. For me it looks more like a kingdom than a democracy as the control mechanisms seem to be quite low. Also the election system looks quite weird to me as there are effectively just two parties with no big differences. And they are playing good and bad cops, white and black (what is not really true, it seems), friends or enemies. A very binary view.

So either they are fixing that system (fast), or it will end soon.

In software some people are saying after n (5) years you should build the software again from scratch. With governments, states and empires it just takes a bit longer.



Is Your Job Safe for the Next 20 Years?

With the tech market continuously evolving, it’s hard to know what will be the requirements in the future of work. The use of new technologies has changed the world in so many ways. A few years ago, attending online was close to unthinkable, but now it’s possible thanks to the wide reach of the internet. In the same way, there are many things that years ago we thought could only belong in the science fiction world but are made real today from the development of new technologies. 

The use of new technologies has also caused a massive job disruption. It is because some roles are no longer needed. At the same time, new jobs are being created to meet new demands. Under those circumstances, we have to pay attention to what employers are looking for in their new hirings. It will help us to know what skills will be required in the coming days and how we should be prepared.

This has led some professionals to wonder if they are in a safe position for the next 20 years. It is essential to realize that as years pass, many roles won’t disappear; they will only be redefined. So, it’s probable that you won’t lose your job as you will only need to update your skills. Here’s a list of some of the most in-demand skills that employers will continue to look for in new recruits. 

Programming Skills

Nowadays, knowing how to code is almost a must for every tech job. Programming languages like Java, JavaScript, and Python have become very popular because they are used by tech professionals to develop sophisticated solutions. 

For example, JavaScript is a programming language that is commonly used by web developers. With the help of JavaScript, web developers can create not only visually appealing websites but also efficient client-server platforms that allow companies to gather data in a systematic way. In like manner, JavaScript frameworks help web developers to accomplish the tasks of building web pages more efficiently. 

On the other hand, websites are deemed an essential part of today’s businesses. This is considering almost every device can be connected to the internet and therefore can be used to browse the web. As a result, customers now prefer the digital world as they are able to accomplish everyday tasks in mere minutes. 

An excellent example would be how people now read the news. A few years ago, people used to go to a local store and buy a newspaper to learn about current affairs. However, now they can even get real-life updates of global news with just a click of a button on their smartphones. 

Going back to essential programming languages, Java is also a great tool to learn as it proves to be beneficial for mobile developers particularly. The language is used to develop apps for Android, which is essentially the most used operating system in the world. Java allows mobile developers to use libraries to create more complex applications. In effect, they are useful because developers will only need to adapt the code to their project in order to make it work. So, in other words, Java is an essential tool for mobile developers who are on the path of innovating the market.

Generally speaking, if you need programming skills to complete your current work duties, it’s probable that your skills will stay relevant in the next 20 years. However, every now and then you will need to keep your skills up to date to avoid becoming an obsolete part of the workforce. 

Machine Learning Skills

Machine learning algorithms have been implemented by several industries to improve their products and services. It is because the technology allows companies to provide systems with the capability to learn without human intervention. 

To understand how it works, you should know the importance of data in today’s business landscape. When users use a company’s products or services, their data is gathered. Then the systems will use these inputs to improve their own performance with time. Machine learning algorithms analyze real-life behaviors to adapt and provide human-like responses. 

For tech professionals like data scientists, it is essential to have advanced knowledge in machine learning and artificial intelligence. It is because they are responsible for analyzing and interpreting valuable data that will be used to create useful insights. Companies want to be able to rely on those insights to make smart business moves. 

On the other hand, machine learning also allows services like Netflix to provide personalized experiences to customers. For example, Netflix app is able to give recommendations based on users’ previously watched content. In like manner, websites like Amazon also recommends products based on your previous purchases. 

Machine learning is not only allowing companies to improve their existing products but also to innovate the market. This only proves how crucial machine learning skills will continue to be in decades to come. For those reasons, jobs that require this kind of skill will be safe in the following years. 

Design Skills

Today’s companies care more about how a product makes customers feel rather than what characteristics they have. In effect, UX/UI designers have become essential for companies in order to compete and outcompete their rivals. Essentially, UX/UI designers are behind every well-design product there is. 

A proof of their hard work is every single mobile app that you currently have on your smartphones right now—yes, the ones that help make your life easier and help you achieve tasks in just minutes. UX/UI designers strive to ensure all web and mobile apps are easy to use, informative, attractive, and beneficial to all users. 

Being a UX/UI designer means you understand the significance of providing the best user experience. For instance, if an app performs smoothly, users will feel engaged and it will allow them to have a pleasant experience. If the app happens to be selling products or services, users are likely to make a purchase because they had a good experience. 

Given the points, such design skills will be actively in-demand even when new technologies show up in the next decade or so. If you are well-versed at providing the best user experience, you can probably take a breather because you have got one foot in the door. All you need to do now is to continuously enhance your skills in order to secure a place in the future of work.

Blog Film Review

AI robot ‚Erica‘ will star in sci-fi movie

The next generation of movies is on the way as AI robot ‚Erica‘ will star in a sci-fi movie. I’m not sure how long we still need actors staring in movies.

Or do I miss a point there?

At least they are spending a lot of money for the movie, and normally they wanna get it back 😉

AI robot 'Erica' will star
Is that an AI robot?


Blog News

Wenn Google dir beim Atmen zuhört

Fitbit wurde von Google übernommen und nun kann es sein, dass Google dir beim Atmen zuhört.

Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob das jedem bewusst ist, und ob das jeder will.

Wenn Google dir beim Atmen zuhört
Google eye

Da passt auch gut ins Bild, dass Google mit dem Projekt Nightingale auf Patientenjagd geht.

Die richtige Nightingale hatte ganz andere Ambitionen.

Jetzt können wir uns ausmalen, wo Google das nächste grosse Geschäft wittert. (Bitte nun keine Verschwörungstheorien!)
Richtig, im Gesundheitswesen. Und Microsoft oder besser Bill Gates steuert gleich noch einen digitalen Gesundheitspass mit dazu.


Blog News Software

Facebook under pressure

Currently Facebook is under pressure.

But I’m not sure if bigger changes of Facebook will happen.

Facebook under pressure
Facebook and Co

Mark Zuckerberg is super smart, in a negative way. He’s not committing to anything that is hurting himself and Facebook, respectively.

And that is in big contrast how the boss of twitter, Jack Dorsey, is acting. With him I see the commitment to change something, that he will no longer accept hate speech and racism on his plattform.
