
Email content scanning

As many others I’m using Gmail as an email provider. And now I’m quite sure that email content scanning is happening there.

It’s just the question how intense this is done and what is happening after the scanning?

I assume that at least sometimes data of the users is given further to other companies and these companies can then address the users directly.

So it is definitely recommended to use other solutions for a real private conversation, e. g. using another service or use end to end encryption like flowcrypt for chrome.

Email content scanning

Google claims they don’t read your email, but I have strong doubts that this is completely true.

I don’t wanna go into the private details, but I wrote just recently some specific phrases and was addressed by an email the day after directly related to that topic. And the email did not go into the spam folder…


Moore’s law within AI

Jim Keller, a quite famous engineer who worked at different tech companies, talks about Moore’s law within AI.

Moore's law within AI
CPU processor chip

It’s quite a long podcast but really worth listening.


Jim Keller podcast
Blog Software

Voice privacy at home

If you wanna have voice privacy at home and don’t wanna rely on the big mass surveillance companies like Google or amazon, you can.

Just check out the following article which options you have.

Voice privacy at home

AI is not so special anymore and can be provided on small devices without a connection to the big servers, called Edge AI. And I promise there will be more on the future.

Checkout the company picovoice, for example.

Give the power back to the people! 🙂



Skifahren in Zell am See

Wir hatten drei tolle Tage beim Skifahren in Zell am See mit meiner Arbeit diconium!
50€ für 3 Übernachtungen mit Halbpension als Unkostenbeitrag ist super günstig, oder?

Grandioses Wetter, tolle Kollegen, und abwechslungsreiche Pisten.

Was will man mehr!

Hier ein paar Bilder aus meinem Google Album.


Skifahren in Serfaus

Wir waren das erste Mal in Serfaus und Fiss beim Skifahren und sind sehr begeistert.

Die Pisten waren alle super präpariert und wirklich sehr herausfordernd. Besonders wenn man in Richtung Westen im Gebiet Masner.

Skifahren in Serfaus

Und die Pension war auch toll mit einer guten Sauna und leckerem Essen.

Hier ein paar Bilder…