
Dilbert AI

A great idea of producing Dilbert AI!
Now it’s clear for me how they can generate such beautiful comics every day 😉

Very well done!


Radln Sport

Radl Touren in der Fränkischen Schweiz

Innerhalb von 4 Tagen haben wir 3 Radl Touren in der Fränkischen Schweiz genossen.
Es geht dort immer rauf und runter.
Startpunkt war für uns immer Gössweinstein, und zum Ende von 2 Touren mussten wir wieder „rauf“ 🙂

Hier die aufgezeichneten Karten.

Gössweinstein ist ein Wallfahrtsort und man muss immer damit rechnen, dass die Kirchenglocken leuten oder dass Prozessionen stattfinden. Auch um 07:00 morgens!

In einer Pension haben wir für 3 Übernachtungen mit einem reichlichen Frühstück 75€ pro Person gezahlt. Da kann man nicht meckern!

Und nun noch ein paar Bilder.

Blog News Software

Huawei Hongmeng OS in delivery

What is the effect of the US embargo against Huawei?

They are even faster developing and delivering their own Android based mobil operating system called Huawei Hongmeng OS. And they are developing it further, of course. The first comparisons between Android and Hongmeng OS are in preparation and starting.

Huawei hongmeng OS
Mobil phone

Of course they will not rely any longer on any deliveries from the US and try to get more and more independent from any US based parts.

They already have delivered one million devices with this new operating system.

To gain some time and also that the US companies still can make some business, they are implementing workarounds.

The users will know how to deal with the new Huawei Hongmeng OS, for sure.

Blog News

Effects of Uber and Lyft

The effects of Uber and Lyft will happen here as well. If you make it easier for the customers to use a service, they will do it. So more and more people will use such a convenient and cheap possibility to travel or commute.

This also means that we still need a lot of infrastructure. But as soon as the autonomous cars arrive, they don’t need to be parked in the cities anymore. They can be parked and charged and maintained in suburbs around the cities.

On the other hand the cities will get more polluted by the exhaust…

And the answer to that problem is that we are going electric, removing the noise and the exhaust from the cities.


Effects of Uber and Lyft

But this comes with a price, of course. We outsource the problem of the dirty energy generation to somewhere outside the city. And as long as we still produce – in this case – electrical energy with e. g. coal, we still have a problem. So we have to switch to an energy production system that is not polluting our environment any more, means going for a green energy generation.

Uber and Lyft looks like a solution first, but on the other hand it generates problems as well.


Radln Sport

Bike ride Fildern

Eine sehr schöne neue Runde bin ich zuletzt mit dem Mountain Bike gefahren.

Bike ride Fildern

Manchmal ist es durch die Büsche etwas stachelig und mit Brennnesseln versetzt.
