
Amazon flex delivery jobs generate phone trees

A new class of trees have evolved, Phone trees! 😉
Looking for Amazon flex delivery jobs people are hanging there phones in the trees.

Amazon flex delivery jobs
Tree without phones

What a crazy world we are living in. On the other hand it’s similar as guys hanging around and waiting for day jobs. We are just using another technology now.


Blog News Software

Huawei Hongmeng OS in delivery

What is the effect of the US embargo against Huawei?

They are even faster developing and delivering their own Android based mobil operating system called Huawei Hongmeng OS. And they are developing it further, of course. The first comparisons between Android and Hongmeng OS are in preparation and starting.

Huawei hongmeng OS
Mobil phone

Of course they will not rely any longer on any deliveries from the US and try to get more and more independent from any US based parts.

They already have delivered one million devices with this new operating system.

To gain some time and also that the US companies still can make some business, they are implementing workarounds.

The users will know how to deal with the new Huawei Hongmeng OS, for sure.

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