Dass das US Militär als Umweltvergifter einen „großen Anteil“ leistet kann man sich vorstellen. Dort wird bestimmt nicht alles Bio sein.
Alleine schon die Anzahl der amerikanischen MIlitärstützpunkte von 5429 Stück ist gigantisch.
Dass das US Militär als Umweltvergifter einen „großen Anteil“ leistet kann man sich vorstellen. Dort wird bestimmt nicht alles Bio sein.
Alleine schon die Anzahl der amerikanischen MIlitärstützpunkte von 5429 Stück ist gigantisch.
Did we really experience that or did an artificial creation of memory happen in our brain?
Maybe some time in the future this is really a valid question. Not only for mice but for our own brain.
How can we then be sure that the memories that are stored in our brain are things that we ourselfs did really experience them.
Knowing that also our brain itself is modifying our memory by itself.
More and more companies are starting with autonomous driving services. This time it’s the Hyundai ride service called BotRide.
We are manipulated not only by other people, but of course also by the products. And the technology is hijacking our mind like magicans.
It’s quite interesting that our selection is a lot predefined by the options we are given. The designers of the products are giving us only a reduced set of options.
So we are guided to look only at the aspects we should look. And not even think of any other options.
The art of creating software is nicely described by Dave Winer.
Of course he’s very famous and also a bit lucky that he got so much money in his early times so that he could and can affort such style of living.
On the other hand you can create and innovate such software also now, still.