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Amazon’s palm-reading tech is coming

Amazon’s palm-reading tech is gonna be provided when you are entering sports stadiums or music venues. And it can be extended to any other event, of course.

So we are making it more simple for entering, they claim.

But also more simple to track us via big data approaches. Of course, Google and Apple know already all the time where we have been. I assume that most people have the GPS service of their mobile phones switched on. Amazon is there a bit behind as they „only“ know our shopping habits.

Amazon's palm-reading tech
Photo by Gustavo Fring on Pexels.com


Von Gerhard Vogt

Born in Munich, but living more then 10 years now in the lovely Stuttgart area.
Grown up in a technical environment, moved then into the project and people management.
I'm interested in plenty of outdoor sports like sailing, biking, skiing, hiking, but also ball sports like tennis and badminton.
Travelling the world, and making photos is another hobby.
Never get bored! :-)

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