Blog News

Amazon’s palm-reading tech is coming

Amazon’s palm-reading tech is gonna be provided when you are entering sports stadiums or music venues. And it can be extended to any other event, of course.

So we are making it more simple for entering, they claim.

But also more simple to track us via big data approaches. Of course, Google and Apple know already all the time where we have been. I assume that most people have the GPS service of their mobile phones switched on. Amazon is there a bit behind as they „only“ know our shopping habits.

Amazon's palm-reading tech
Photo by Gustavo Fring on Pexels.com



Tesla’s data advantage. Can Apple, or others, keep up?

Can other car manufacturers keep up with Tesla’s data advantage? Some claim that Tesla is six years ahead of the other car makers.

You can see that from different perspectives. Either purely from the standpoint of an electrical car maker. There I assume that the others like VW are picking up soon. Also from environmental point of view the others will get better when they are getting rid of the legacy topics like the high costs of making fuel engines.

Another aspect is the area of autonomous driving. Also there Tesla is quite far and the others are lacking behind.

Tesla’s data advantage
Electric cars and more

But I agree with Robert Scoble that Tesla is far ahead with respect to software. And this is an important point, as it is really not easy to change a hardware company into a digital software company (In German „Vom Blechbieger zum Digital Unternehmen“).



Apple blocked WordPress app updates to force IAP

The wordpress app did not support in-app-purchasements, so Apple blocked the wordpress app updates till there was an agreement.

Every method is right to fullfill the interests of the company, getting a share of everything.

Apple blocked WordPress app
WordPress logo


In the mean time they came to an agreement, somehow…


News Software


Apple: iOS-9.1-Update lässt Nutzer verschlafen http://www.areamobile.de/news/34959-apple-ios-9-1-update-laesst-nutzer-verschlafen

News Software


DOJ: Apple owns your iPhone’s software, so it should have a backdoor http://www.engadget.com/2015/10/23/apple-doj-iphone/

Das heißt, technisch ist es möglich, das Telefon remote zu entsperren (wird bei Android auch nicht anders sein). Der Benutzer ist eben nur ein Benutzer und nicht Eigentümer.

Die Argumentation vom Justiz Ministerium find ich klasse!