
Das neue Normal, eine Illusion

Das neue „Normal“, von dem heute viele sprechen gibt es nicht. Natürlich gibt es (heute) Anpassungen. Wenn z.B. neue Abstandsregeln erlassen werden oder wenn Menschen von sich aus ein anderes Verhalten an den Tag legen, weil sie ggf. Angst um ihre Gesundheit haben. Aber Anpassungen gab es immer und wird es immer geben. Wir Menschen sind Meister im Anpassen. Ansonsten hätten wir als Species Homo Sapiens nicht überlebt.

Es gibt auch kein altes Normal.

Das neue Normal

Wir versuchen nur, die Dinge in Schubladen zu stecken, damit wir besser damit umgehen können, vergleichbar zu machen. Wir klassifizieren Dinge, Tiere und Personen, um dann auf Basis dieser Klassifikationen für die jeweiligen Gruppen Regeln, Voraussagen, und Muster zu definieren.

Die Variation ist das Normale. Und zwar schon immer. Das basiert auf den unendlich vielen unterschiedlichen Erfahrungen, die jeder von uns im Laufe seines Lebens gemacht hat.

„Das neue Normal“ soll auch suggerieren, daß wir alles im Griff haben. Wir haben Anpassungen vorgenommen, und können nun mit den veränderten Lebensumständen umgehen. Wir beherrschen die neue Welt (wieder). Aber auch das ist eine Illusion. Wir kontrollieren unsere Umgebung nur in einem bestimmten Rahmen. Viele Dinge kommen „von aussen“, und wir können nur darauf reagieren.

Blog Bücher Podcast

How the brain works, and emotions

Some time ago I was listening to this lovely podcast „How the brain works“, hosted by Lex Friedman.


And this triggered me to buy the book from Lisa Feldman BarettHow emotions are made„.

Here are a few summary statements which I took as take aways.

Prediction machine

The brain is a huge prediction machine.

Just after birth (or even earlier) you start with storing your experiences. Experiences are based on the one hand on the sensual input you are getting from the outside world. On the other hand there are also plenty of inputs from your inner body like stomach, heart etc. And you perform some action. The environment around you also performs some action. Now these experiences from the different sources are stored in your memory/brain.

Live goes on, and the next time you are in a quite similar situation. Now the brain says, „Ok, cool, last time I acted like that, and the result was like this“. So it’s predicting what will happen based on the experiences stored in the brain. In that actual situaltion you are performing in a specific way, and you compare your prediction with that what is really happening. Based on that you (hopefully) correct and enhance your experiences.

Humans specifically are having the quite enhanced possibilty (compared to other creatures, as far as we know) to inform the outer world about the inner state of their mind and also about their experiences. So they can tell other people about their former experiences and also what they think and feel. In that way we are all influencing the world around us and the people we communicate to. That is also very nicely described in the book „Virus of the mind„.

Creating emotions

Now coming to the emotions. The legacy view is that there are preprints for every emotion world wide and the signs of emotions are visible and detectable like finger prints. Lisa shows convincingly that this is not true. Emotions are concepts, that differ heavily between cultures. And there are also no norms, but variation is the norm. We ourselves are creating these concepts, based on our predictions. To be able to communicate with other people about e.g. emotions you must have the same concept in mind, e.g. when you should be angry. Emotions are your constructions of the world and you can control and construct emotions as you can control your thoughts or perceptions or beliefs or memories. This is how the brain works. It constructs concepts all the time.

How the brain works

Construction of memories

That leads to the next aspect. You construct your memories. It’s not like something has happend, you store it in the brain, you recall it later and it’s exactly as it happend. You are making a story out of it that makes sense to you. And you cannot only loose memory over time, but you are also modifying the constructed memory you have over time.

Now think of the legal system, where witnesses are asked about a case. They can just recall what they think, has happened. They are recalling their contructed reality. And this reality can differ from the objective reality quite a lot.

I hope, I have inserted now a virus into your mind 😉

Blog Software

Multiroom sound System erweitert

Ich habe mein Multiroom Sound System, basierend auf einem rPi Netzwerk, um eine Funktion erweitert. Nun kann man als Eingang auch einen Chromecast ansprechen.

Die allgemeine Beschreibung habe ich unter HomeNetwork aktualisiert.

Multiroom sound System

Der Setup dazu sieht so aus:

Handy –> Chromecast –> HDMI Splitter –> USB SoundCard –> rPI –> WaveIn Plugin of SqueezeBox –> SqueezeLight music clients

Ich habe dazu folgende Geräte verwendet:

Auf der SqueezeBox muss man zuerst das Wavein Plugin installieren.

Unter Linux dann folgenden Befehl eingeben, um herauszufinden, welches Gerät (die USB Soundkarte) man ansprechen muss:

pi@max2play:~ $ arecord -l
**** List of CAPTURE Hardware Devices ****
card 1: Device [USB Audio Device], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]
Subdevices: 0/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

Bei mir ist es also das Gerät 1, subdevice 0.

Nun auf der SqueezeBox einen neuen Favoriten mit einem beliebigen Namen anlegen und bei der URL folgendes konfigurieren (wavin:plughw:[Gerät],[subdevice]):


Auf dem mobilen Gerät kann jede beliebige Applikation verwendet werden, die an ein Chromcast Gerät streamen kann, wie z.B. TuneIn, BubbleUPnP, VRadio, Youtube,…

Wie man sieht kann man das eigene Multiroom sound System immer noch besser machen 😉


Five Skills That Will Give You An Edge In The Future Workspace

Many companies host training programs from time to time to ensure that their workers stay up-to-date with the latest trends in the industry. Even self-employed people enroll in online bootcamps for job training programs that will help them improve their skills. This goes to show that change is always coming in the global workforce and only those who follow the train of change will remain relevant. Right now, some skills are in higher demand than others. Following the trend, it’s still easy to predict which skills are most likely to be in high demand in the next few decades. 

1. Financial Planning

There will always be a high demand for financial experts. If you have an eye for finances, you should consider specializing to improve your chances of getting a job. The best part is that financial experts are needed in every industry. Even non-profit organizations hire them to keep track of their expenses and flag financial irregularities. The job opportunities for financial planners are incredible now and in the future. You can become a financial adviser, financial consultant, or financial analyst. Right now, one of the highest paying jobs for financial experts is the position of chief financial officer. You can get over $130,000 as a CFO in the United States. 

2. Mobile App Development Skills

Users of mobile technology are increasing daily and mobile app developers are needed to make these apps functional. All the applications on your phone and tablet were designed by mobile app developers and the demand for these experts will increase significantly as time passes. To become a mobile app developer, you can start by joining an online bootcamp. Within a few months, you can learn how to become a mobile app developer from a reliable website. If you don’t want to dive into app development, you can work on becoming an app designer instead. There are courses for app designers on Bootcamprankings.com. Mobile app developers make up to $124,487 yearly in the United States. 

3. Sales Skills

There is always going to be work to do in sales. It doesn’t matter how advanced technology becomes. As long as products and services continue to be developed, there will be a high demand for people with excellent sales skills. As a salesperson, you need to be persuasive and charismatic. You should be able to convince buyers that the products and services you’re selling to them are better than anything their competitors can offer. With time, you can advance from an entry-level sales position to a sales leadership position. If you secure a leadership role in sales, you can earn between $76,067 to $110,292 yearly in the United States. 

4. Analytical Reasoning Skills

Analytical reasoning is a transferable skill that will come in handy across industries. It is the ability to recognize patterns and assess data that others don’t naturally see. People with analytical reasoning skills can work under pressure and power through problems quickly. As stated above, it is a transferable skill so you’ll have many job opportunities in law enforcement, business, and data science. The yearly pay depends on the sector and the job description. 

5. Communication Skills

Communication is another important skill that you need in the future workspace. Those who have effective communication skills are engaged listeners. They tend to do more listening than talking. This isn’t just limited to listening with your ears, you also need to use your eyes and take note of the person’s emotions and display empathy. You also need to know how to converse with people in and out of the office. Perfecting your non-verbal communication skills will also make you more effective at communicating. 


If you want to prepare for the future of work, you need to be willing to build your skills from time to time. The five skills listed above will be important for the foreseeable future but this doesn’t mean that they will remain relevant forever. In the next 50 years, some other skills might become more important than the ones listed above. So, the most important skill any worker should have is the ability to adapt to change


Born or not born, that’s the question

In some circumstances the question is, if you are born or not born. That’s quite important, isn’t it?

The story goes like that in Germany.

An Indian couple is working in Germany since a few years. They of course have Indian passports and an legitimation to work in Germany.

Some years back they married traditionally in India, with their lovely families organising and joining the beautiful celebration.

And of course this is documented with an Indian marriage certificate.

And based on all that history, they are happy to pay the not so low taxes in Germany, are in the respective tax classes based on their marriage status.

After some time their marriage love affair results in a cute (of course :-)) baby boy. He’s healthy and the parents are happy although they are quite busy as it’s their first child.

And as it’s the habbit in Indian culture (and not only there) they want to show the baby to all the relatives in India. For this purpose of travelling everybody needs a valid passport, so also the baby boy.

Should be no problem, isn’t it?

So let’s go to the community center and get a passport for him. For getting a passport you need any certificate that you are existing and that you are the person you are claiming to be. But he does not have such a document. Means if you are getting a passport for the first time, you need a birth certificate.

It’s quite clear that the cute baby is existing. He’s shouting out loud and producing plenty of smells and other brownish looking stuff. So philosophically speaking „he’s producing something, so he exists.“.


What do we need now for the birth certificate?

  • A baby
  • A mother
  • If existing, a father
  • A marriage certificate, if married
  • Location of birth
  • Date of birth
Marriage contract

So everything should be alright and no problem, you think? Born or not born is out of question.

Not really. Everything is alright except the marriage certificate. I honestly don’t understand why we need a marriage certificate at all. But also that is existing, in Indian language though. And this certificate was fine enough for their work certificates and defining the tax classes. But now the trouble starts. The community (Standesamt) is not accepting the marriage certificate, altough it was accepted by the foreigner office (Ausländerbehörde) before. A marriage certificate must be authenticated by the German embassy in India, the communuity claims. The costs for that are about 500€ and some weeks (around 3-4 months) of waiting time in depression.

The good thing is that the baby boy got a stay permit in the mean time, and he’s even allowed to work (no joke!).