Mein letztes kleines Projekt ist ein selbst erstelltes Kochbuch mit selbst ausprobierten Rezepten. Nicht mit selbst kreierten Rezepten, aber alle Rezepte sind von erlesenen Gästen positiv getestet 😉
Gleichzeitig ist es auch ein Buch-Projekt. Ich habe nämlich nicht nur ein PDF erstellt, sondern auch über epubli ein Exemplar erstellt, das man on-demand ausdrucken und bestellen kann. Und natürlich hat es wie jedes Buch eine ISBN.
Buch Cover
Dabei hab ich auch gelernt, daß es grundsätzlich für Bücher einen typischen Aufbau gibt, den man neben den gesetzlichen Forderungen einhalten sollte.
Eine EPUB Version für Leser, die eine rein digitale Version bevorzugen, ist noch in Arbeit.
Here are a few summary statements which I took as take aways.
Prediction machine
The brain is a huge prediction machine.
Just after birth (or even earlier) you start with storing your experiences. Experiences are based on the one hand on the sensual input you are getting from the outside world. On the other hand there are also plenty of inputs from your inner body like stomach, heart etc. And you perform some action. The environment around you also performs some action. Now these experiences from the different sources are stored in your memory/brain.
Live goes on, and the next time you are in a quite similar situation. Now the brain says, „Ok, cool, last time I acted like that, and the result was like this“. So it’s predicting what will happen based on the experiences stored in the brain. In that actual situaltion you are performing in a specific way, and you compare your prediction with that what is really happening. Based on that you (hopefully) correct and enhance your experiences.
Humans specifically are having the quite enhanced possibilty (compared to other creatures, as far as we know) to inform the outer world about the inner state of their mind and also about their experiences. So they can tell other people about their former experiences and also what they think and feel. In that way we are all influencing the world around us and the people we communicate to. That is also very nicely described in the book „Virus of the mind„.
Creating emotions
Now coming to the emotions. The legacy view is that there are preprints for every emotion world wide and the signs of emotions are visible and detectable like finger prints. Lisa shows convincingly that this is not true. Emotions are concepts, that differ heavily between cultures. And there are also no norms, but variation is the norm. We ourselves are creating these concepts, based on our predictions. To be able to communicate with other people about e.g. emotions you must have the same concept in mind, e.g. when you should be angry. Emotions are your constructions of the world and you can control and construct emotions as you can control your thoughts or perceptions or beliefs or memories. This is how the brain works. It constructs concepts all the time.
Construction of memories
That leads to the next aspect. You construct your memories. It’s not like something has happend, you store it in the brain, you recall it later and it’s exactly as it happend. You are making a story out of it that makes sense to you. And you cannot only loose memory over time, but you are also modifying the constructed memory you have over time.
Now think of the legal system, where witnesses are asked about a case. They can just recall what they think, has happened. They are recalling their contructed reality. And this reality can differ from the objective reality quite a lot.
I hope, I have inserted now a virus into your mind 😉
I was reading the great book „Virus of the mind“ by Richard Brodie. Richard is famously know as the original author of Microsoft Word.
The first chapters were not so intersting for me as I already read some books from Richard Dawkins. Richard Dawkins is the inventor of the word „meme“, that now results in the science of memetics.
Although we are still talking about Darwin’sTheory of Evolution, most of the people are in the mean time accepting that as a theory that could not be falsified so far (see Karl Popper about falsification). In other words, it is accepted to be True.
And the same evolution and replications that are (still) happening on (hardware) DNA level are happening on the (software) mind level.
Very intersting is also the theory of how societies and religions evolve. These are based on a bunch of memes. And this evolution will also go on for ever. Of course much faster as on DNA level.
But from the structure you really can view genes and memes quite similar. Both are having replicators and hosts, and don’t care at all about an individual. The only thing that counts is that the genes and memes are surviving and therefor must replicate.
We are all infected by some virus of the mind. But as soon as we know that, we can detect if the viruses we are infected with, are matching with our real goal of life.
Natürlich ist immer die Frage, was man unter künstlicher Intelligenz versteht.
Und Intelligenz definiert sich dadurch, wenn man es schafft, ein selbst definiertes Ziel zu erreichen.
Daraus ergibt sich sofort das aus meiner Sicht größte Problem. Wie können wir sicher stellen, dass die Maschinen, die wir bauen, ihre Ziele nicht ändern? Aus meiner Sicht, ist das ein Widerspruch in sich. Einerseits wollen wir Intelligenz, andererseits wollen wir, dass die intelligenten Maschinen, die wir bauen, unsere Ziele verfolgen.
Es ist natürlich eine Definitionsfrage, was man unter künstlicher Intelligenz versteht. Aber ich denke, wir müssen uns in der nächsten Zeit auf ein Leben mit künstlicher Intelligenz einstellen.
Ich finde das hier referenzierte Buch schon recht gut, das Buch Our mathematical universe von Max Tegmark aber noch viel besser.