Natürlich ist immer die Frage, was man unter künstlicher Intelligenz versteht.
Und Intelligenz definiert sich dadurch, wenn man es schafft, ein selbst definiertes Ziel zu erreichen.
Daraus ergibt sich sofort das aus meiner Sicht größte Problem. Wie können wir sicher stellen, dass die Maschinen, die wir bauen, ihre Ziele nicht ändern? Aus meiner Sicht, ist das ein Widerspruch in sich. Einerseits wollen wir Intelligenz, andererseits wollen wir, dass die intelligenten Maschinen, die wir bauen, unsere Ziele verfolgen.
Es ist natürlich eine Definitionsfrage, was man unter künstlicher Intelligenz versteht. Aber ich denke, wir müssen uns in der nächsten Zeit auf ein Leben mit künstlicher Intelligenz einstellen.
Ich finde das hier referenzierte Buch schon recht gut, das Buch Our mathematical universe von Max Tegmark aber noch viel besser.
After having some trouble with my existing system I decided to upgrade to a RPi4 powered system, together with a SSD as a new storage medium.
As I wanted to migrate the old data to the new system I had to come up with a strategy how to get there.
First I prepared the RPi4 to boot from another storage device as the standard SD card, based on the following tutorial.
Then I flashed the SSD with the currently available latest raspbian buster version and attached it to the blue USB 3.0 slot.
While booting I got some errors from the fsck utility, but after some booting time it ran through. I tested a bit further and was rebooting a few times. Every time another error occured and finally – after some hours – I had the idea to put an USB hub between the SSD and the RPi4. So it looks that the USB hub solves the problem, although it’s not even powered. Weird, isn’t it?
And, voila, from now onwards the booting and also the working of the system was perfect.
Now as the base system was running and the RPi4 was able to boot from the SSD I had to migrate the software and the data of the old system to the new system.
For this I used the backup of the old system I made with raspiBackup, just flashing it completely onto the SSD.
The final step was now, to copy the .elf and .dat files from the still existing boot partition of the SD card to the boot partition of the SSD, so that the RPi is booting from the SSD.
Now the system is up and running and it is really very fast
But hold on, we are not done yet!
IP and DNS entries
I have setup the new system with a new IP address, running in parallel to the RPi3 live system. I thought, „OK, let’s just switch the port forwarding of the router to the new IP address with the ports 80, 443, for IPV4 and IPV6 addresses and it should work.“
Unfortunately it did not work.
I forgot, that I had to reconfigure also the DNS forwarding at my domain hoster with updating the CNAME. And, unfortunately again, there is a time to live (TTL) set for the CNAME entry. So it’s much recommended to set this TTL value to the lowest possible value some days in advance. Otherwise it takes a few hours that the CNAME changes are taking effect through all the DNS servers.