The robotic vision of Elon Musk wasn’t wrong for automating the Model 3 assembly line. He was just ahead of his time.
Drone food delivery in Australia
Customers in the Australian capital can get a drone food delivery provided by Google X Wing.
Store renewable energy as methane gas
Researchers want to store renewable energy as methane.
This would be another way instead of using batteries as energy storage device. And for the production of the batteries you need a lot of seldomly available resources.
Spinnen sind achtbeinige Genies, und auch Tintenfische und dergleichen sind bewundernswert.
Wir Menschen überschätzen uns häufig und denken, wir sind einzigartig.
Das stimmt auch teilweise, nur nicht in allen Bereichen.
Self-driving car navigating with cameras
Watch a self-driving car navigating with cameras and basic GPS only.
That’s quite impressive realizing a self driving car with such low hardware investments.

Soon a raspberry Pi is enough handling the performance requirements 😉