
Jacket connects to the cloud

Google’s Ivan Poupyrev shows off Jacquard, a Levi’s jacket connects to the cloud.

Maybe in some years we all will run around with such fancy clothes.


Jacket connects to the cloud



Store renewable energy as methane gas

Researchers want to store renewable energy as methane.

This would be another way instead of using batteries as energy storage device. And for the production of the batteries you need a lot of seldomly available resources.


renewable energy as methane
Methan gas


Blog News

Achtbeinige Genies

Spinnen sind achtbeinige Genies, und auch Tintenfische und dergleichen sind bewundernswert.

Wir Menschen überschätzen uns häufig und denken, wir sind einzigartig.

Das stimmt auch teilweise, nur nicht in allen Bereichen.

achtbeinige Genies
Haarige Angelegenheit



Amazon head quarter

Jeff Bezos wanted to build another Amazon head quarter. And New York was one of the options to build it. But the people there rejected as the city should have sponsored that with a lot of money.

In my humble opinion, Amazon and these other big companies are having and getting so much money, it’s not necessary that they get sponsored like that.

So we should really reject that in the future.

The same is valid with tax. They should pay taxes as they are also having a lot of benifits from the environment cities and countries are providing.

Amazon head quarter


Blog News

Brexit-Debakel: „Unfähig, aus Fehlern zu lernen“

Brexit-Debakel: „Unfähig, aus Fehlern zu lernen“

Eine sehr gute Zusammenfassung, was und warum es beim Brexit so funktioniert, wie es gerade funktioniert. Und immer wieder die gleichen Fehler gemacht werden.

brexit debakel
