More and more I’m coming to the opinion that the USA is not a democracy IMHO. Of course its always a question of definition.
USA flag
They are far off with a system of equal rights. Just look who differently the black people are still treated. Still after that long time after the civil war in 1865.
And it’s really amazing and shocking that one role is allowed to decide so many things directly only with very low control by another institution.
Or maybe I’m wrong that there is some kind of control in theory, but these institutions are already lined up.
What I also find weird is that there are only two political parties existing. There is never always a wrong and a right, a good side and a bad side, black or white. Political opinions are often not binary.
As I understand these so called parties are not parties in the European sense, but more interest groups. From the system point of view there are multiple „parties“ allowed but it will never happen to have more parties as for all decisions you have to have more than 50% of the votes.
Finally…while Microsoft brings Linux GUI apps to Windows 10, the other solutions will decrease in volume.
So far the only solutions were either installing Linux as a seperate operating system and having a dual boot solution or you could install a virtual machine and then install a Linux based operating system in that virtual machine.
Not really Linux
I’m looking forward to it and I’m curious if all functionality like hardware support will be available.
The currently existing WSL solution (where WSL2 is not even completely released) is only allowing command line applications.
Google is giving their workers a home office allowance of $1000. Not bad for a start, as the companies are saving a huge money when they start to reduce their property rental costs. And these are not one time fees, these reductions will have an effect every month!
Another quite interesting approach with working in home offices on a regular basis is implemented by Automattic, the company behind WordPress.
Their work force is completely distributed all over the world. The employees are also getting a one time home office allowance to setup their environment as they like and feel comfortable.
Due to the worldwide distribution they have a huge problem to define the „correct“ salary for each employee. You have to take a lot of constraints into account.
Was sich schon in den letzten Jahren angedeutet hat wird immer deutlicher. China läuft uns davon.
In allen wirtschaftlichen Belangen hat China gewaltige Steigerungsraten. Und der Westen wird mehr und mehr hinterherlaufen.
Die USA versuchen mit militärischer Macht dagegen zu halten. Aber auch das wird meiner Meinung nach nicht gelingen. Einerseits weil es aus meiner Sicht nicht die richtige Strategie ist – von der Moral ganz abgesehen – , andererseits zerfleischen sie sich gerade selbst.
Russland spielt geostratetisch und militärisch noch eine Rolle, aus ökonomischer Sicht sind sie aber nur ein Mitläufer.