Blog News

Amazon’s palm-reading tech is coming

Amazon’s palm-reading tech is gonna be provided when you are entering sports stadiums or music venues. And it can be extended to any other event, of course.

So we are making it more simple for entering, they claim.

But also more simple to track us via big data approaches. Of course, Google and Apple know already all the time where we have been. I assume that most people have the GPS service of their mobile phones switched on. Amazon is there a bit behind as they „only“ know our shopping habits.

Amazon's palm-reading tech
Photo by Gustavo Fring on Pexels.com


Blog News

Google taps your phone cameras to measure your heart rate

There is no need for another heart rate measuring device as Google taps your phone cameras to measure it.

In close future I assume that more and more health functionalities will move into mobile devices. And of course these devices must not always be smart phones. On the other hand I assume as well that it must be possible to incorporate the data into any kind of digital data store.

You can also detect Corona already with your phone and an AI. I’m not sure why these technical possibilities are not pushed in these times of a pandemic. Sure, it will not solve everything but it could contribute to detect more infections earlier.

Data protection is very sensitive in this area. So I’m looking forward how the different approaches will be.

Google taps your phone cameras
Health is important

I don’t want to imagine what else can be detected and tracked when Google taps your phone cameras maybe also for other activities.


News Software

Try out your AR makeup with Google Search

You wanna try out your AR makeup with the google search? This feature helps you making better decisions with your makeup. Regardless if it’s related to lipsticks or eyeshadows.

So you can stay beautifully and safe at home at the same time 🙂

And there is even no need to move away from the search results to the shops…

AR makeup with Google Search


Blog News

Wenn Google dir beim Atmen zuhört

Fitbit wurde von Google übernommen und nun kann es sein, dass Google dir beim Atmen zuhört.

Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob das jedem bewusst ist, und ob das jeder will.

Wenn Google dir beim Atmen zuhört
Google eye

Da passt auch gut ins Bild, dass Google mit dem Projekt Nightingale auf Patientenjagd geht.

Die richtige Nightingale hatte ganz andere Ambitionen.

Jetzt können wir uns ausmalen, wo Google das nächste grosse Geschäft wittert. (Bitte nun keine Verschwörungstheorien!)
Richtig, im Gesundheitswesen. Und Microsoft oder besser Bill Gates steuert gleich noch einen digitalen Gesundheitspass mit dazu.



Home office allowance and world salary

Google is giving their workers a home office allowance of $1000. Not bad for a start, as the companies are saving a huge money when they start to reduce their property rental costs. And these are not one time fees, these reductions will have an effect every month!

Home office allowance
Home office



Another quite interesting approach with working in home offices on a regular basis is implemented by Automattic, the company behind WordPress.

Their work force is completely distributed all over the world. The employees are also getting a one time home office allowance to setup their environment as they like and feel comfortable.

Due to the worldwide distribution they have a huge problem to define the „correct“ salary for each employee. You have to take a lot of constraints into account.

